
■ Accredited Computer-training

Accredited Computer-Training

Accredited Computer-training lessons are delivered in two ways, namely Virtual lessons and Physical lessons.

Accredited Computer-training lessons
Accredited Computer-training lessons

Virtual Computer Training Lessons.

Virtual computer training lessons are suitable for people who have some experience in using a computer and have access to internet connection. The time one takes to complete training is shorter if is done virtually. The reason for this is that it is not restricted to a 2-hour attendance per day. One may continue with lessons as much as she or he wants.

Physical computer training lessons

Physical Computer Trqining Lessons are delivered onsite. They are targeting people who neither have stable internet connection nor computers.

The duration of lessons is two hours per day. However, one may arrange to spend more than two hours in class as long as there are free computers. Like in the case of Virtual lessons, this arrangement will help the student finish training quicker.

Computer-Training Price List

1 Month Computer Literacy Any 1 module from a 6 Month CourseR700
3 Month Computer LiteracyAny 3 modules from a 6 Month Course
NB : You will add R200 if you choose Internet
as one of the modules when you are registered
for a 3-month PC Literacy Course
Deposit : R350
Installments : R450 x 3
Total Fees : R1700
6 Month Computer Literacy Any five modules from the following ones:
Word Level 2
PowerPoint Level 2
Excel Level 2
Access Level 2
Internet Level 2
Hardware and Software Level 2
Deposit : R550
Installments : R450 x 6
Total Fees : R3250